I'll give a free slice of gum to the first person to figure out my Acronym.
I'm still in a sulky mood. I didn't get to go see star wars yesterday, which was my original point of sulkitude. Then I can't go see my Friend N---- tonight. That's number two. And then I found out that I'm not features editor. Number three.
So all my bad things are done for a while, and everything should come up Tex in the near future. Project 'Loo is still a go. I'll be moving in between sunday and tuesday. Anyone care to help? There may be beers involved. I can't wait to get there. I really need out of this place, I need to be back with my people! Not that people around here aren't my people. But I have a friend who always starts an arguement and gets pissy when I try to end them. I got one Who's not even in the province anymore, and the other one, My Best, has a conflicting work schedule to mine. My people in Waterloo are always ripe for the hanging. And if they aren't, I can always hop a bus to somewhere there is. And hopefully coming soon, hop a bike to where there is! (need to buy/acquire one legally first. *shifty eyes* Je quiero ein Jitensha desu Yeah!
I'm still amazed my creative spark is gone. I've not been able to write fiction for months. The well seems to have run dry... Or perhaps the bucket was stolen. In any case, my resolve to finish NaNo this year will come to fruition! How can I be so Confident? I finished 24 Hour Comics, whereas two professionals didn't. The put up noble efforts, and their comics were most definitely more Aesthetically pleasing than mine, although I did have an infantessimal part in one of their comics, whilst he had a large part in mine! Oh, Man.
Next on the Agenda, My bet with Margie, which we had people witness. That bet:
"I'll bet you can't go one month without buying any magic Cards."
After making sure that loophole were covered, making my job harder (because I enjoy the challenge!) And mentioning that I had Cards on the way, that I had not yet received and that I DID pay for them! We agreed that no cards, be it in singles or pack form, through offical or non-official retailers, shall be bought by me. That bet was made last tuesday night, and a week later I'm still going strong! That Five Bucks will be mine! If there is anything I forgot here please post it in a comment, Ms. Mansell!
It also seems my music taste has come into question as of late... My Penchant for Japanese Sugar Pop Music seems wierd to some people. To those doubt my eccleticity, please find a copy of my winamp list here. While right now I've queued up just under 29 songs that are Japanese, I still like to endulge myself in other music.
I find myself Jobless right now as I enter the wonderful world of living on my own. I may have a job at the bell world in Fairview, or at the place where Mark works. I think I'd be good at either job. One of my Co-Workers said about me last night, "One thing you can do, is talk". Now if you didn't know the context of this, you may find it insulting, or just rude. But I found it to be a compliment! especially given the situation, highly personal... but volatile.
For those of you who care, I've created a Spreadsheet (more like copy and pasted) of a checklist from The Kamigawa block to keep track of my inventory. I plan on selling surplus cards to make money. I don't know if it'll work, but here's hoping!
I suppose I've said enough for now... Happy hump day all, and I'll see you here next week!
Looks like you've got just over 50% Jpop in that winamp list. Yes, you have a few songs from Perfect Circle and ONE song from RHCP, but the majority is Jpop.
And Maroon 5? Ugh!
You need to go to the Pearl Jam concert more than anyone.
Margatron, at 1:46 p.m.
I'd beg to differ as only a small part of my list is J-Pop. My largest segment is the random english music.
I'll gladly perform a specific calculation for you if you care.
Scott, at 10:14 a.m.
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