I suppose I should post something...
I know! I'm still here, and I hope I won't get kicked out. I should probably start talking to an advisor or something. But I'm afraid that may speed up the process. "What? you only had a 56 average? SECURITY!" something like that. You never know if someone is going to help you or hinder you. unless you do, usually with friends. I'm looking forward to putting up my new posters (2 movie, 1 Feng Shui elements, 1 wood block print (Hiroshige, Small port) ) and I hope to claim an editorial position at imprint. Perhaps features, if no one else runs, I'm sure I would lose against anyone else. I know I have friends at the office, but I know that I have enemies as well. then there are the people I'm not sure about. But you know, you don't say "Hey, are you my friend?" because that is socially awkward. So I'm constantly guessing upon behaviour. I don't know if people are patronizing me or not, which stems back to an incident in grade 6, where my social skills weren't uh... very good (They haven't improved much,) and some people were made to be my friend. To this day, I start doubting a long friendship I had with a girl from my school, who I have since lost touch with. I wish she'd call me. But she'll never read this, unfortunately. But in case she does: Nikki Mellott, Call my parents. (I'll bet you you googled yourself if you are reading this! ^^;). In other news, I dyed my hair. well, it's just highlighted but I think it rocks.
Now I'd like to talk about imprint again, this time about my column rejection. I'm kind of mad that people would consider me to be the next Sasha. I don't think anyone wrote anything as bad as he. Second, it seems like people don't want to read a column about anime. I guess it's too... esoteric. It's a niche market. So to the guy that said Imprint will print anything: They wont. They only print it for the masses. Hence why they printed sasha, and your comic. Also, I'm trying to figure out how I came second to a guy who submits Plot summaries for movie reviews. Don't get me wrong, the guy deserves to be in there. He's not a bad writer, but Battle Angel Atilla is not an anime. It's Alita. A-li-ta. But I can forgive for that. It's just some of the other stuff you wrote was no better than mine. But I guess the rest of the office doesn't feel that way. So Châpeau! to you sir. So know you must be wondering: "Tex, if you are so bitter, why not just up and go? Get the hell out." Simple. I fell in love. The Imprint Paracite has burrowed deep within me. It latched onto my heart. It's also fun to be there among friends. well mostly.
Random Thought: I have to call and wake my Don up for her 8:30. She willingly gave me her number. Boo-yah!
Back on task:
Imprint has changed my life. I know I probably wont have a seat on edboard, so I may just staff proofread. if those positions aren't taken already. That seems to be my lot in life. Fail miserably at popularity contests, since I'm not very popular. I seem to be the guy everyone knows though, so that's weird. eh.
I think IO've done enough ramblings for now. This was for you eigram! Enjoy it!
I don't know who said you would be the next Sasha. The rumor mill at the Imprint is big, and quite good at fabrication. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt.
Run for ed-board -- You have a better chance than people who walk in off the street.
Jim, at 7:11 a.m.
Thanks, Tim. Hearing that from you makes me feel better.
Scott, at 4:26 p.m.
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Anonymous, at 4:34 p.m.
Your column didn't get accepted because of issues regarding your writing style. To put it bluntly, it's not very good. Practice, practice, practice and maybe one day, you'll have a column in the paper.
But it sounds like you should focus on passing your academics before you let extracurriculars swallow your life.
Anonymous, at 5:21 p.m.
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