Tex's Charter
Few things (Yeah I'm done with the cute stuff... for now.) I suppose I should do this in an orderly manner.
0. Introduction
Tex described herein is official named Scott Bradley Houston. Tex doesn't care which he is called. !x3T is an alias as is Jake Fakenamerson. Please do not call him those(edit: Tex has since revised this, saying certain nicknames apply only with certain people. As they should.). It does not offend him, but he just doesn't like it. This is a simple Charter that he hopes will be followed. Also, it's here for some serious fun. Fun that is serious. Tex also loves puns.
1. On calling Tex
1.i Any persons named Margie Mansell, Tim Mollison, M.L. Davenport or anyone that has been supplied his phone number, by him, may call Tex, for any reason whatsoever.
1.i.a If Tex has not supplied you with a phone number for his room you may ask him.
1.ii If you wish to join this list, special permisson may be acquired through Tex (see 1.i.a)
2. Official Blog Status
2.i http://texcheck.blogspot.com is Tex's official blog.
2.i.a Older posts may be seen here:
3. Tex as a person
3.i When in a room with Graham Barclay, Margie Mansell and Tim Mollison, Tex shall be considered the "Gayest Person in the Room".
3.i.a Tex accepts with a quiet dignity, fully knowing that he can sing high, sing Cher, and the Sailor Moon theme song, in both Japanese and English languages, not mentioning all the other stuff that may incriminate him.
3.ii Tex tries to please everyone all the time, and he hates anyone hating him/pissing people off. If he offends you somehow, please let him know.
3.ii.a Tex is only aware of blatant sarcasm, so please be very up front with him.
3.ii.b Tex can also not read subtle body language/hints. Tell him what you want, or don't expect it to happen.
3.ii.c Tex is very light-hearted and likes to joke, however if he needs to get dead serious he can. Once again, please tell him politely when his foolishness is bugging you.
3.ii.d Tex has asked for these rules to be followed until he finds that he has suitable social conscience, not being born with one, and being too much of a geek to have when when dealing with regular people.
3.iii Tex is trying to become good friends with whoever he can to establish long lasting friendships and social ties.
3.iii.a Tex will freely hand out massages when asked.
3.iii.b Tex will also freely give hugs, no matter who. No Groping, unless established beforehand.
3.iii.c Tex, by nature, is a big Teddy bear, and therefore is very comfortable snuggling with (most) people. If they want.
3.iii.c.I Tex is not forcing anyone to snuggle, he is simply offering a open invitation. Most likely, if you don't want to snuggle with Tex, he doesn't want to snuggle with you.
3.iii.c.II Tex will not kiss, fondle, grope, or any other sexual activities without permission. He expects the same from you.
3.iii.d There will be no grabbing of Tex's nipples and twisting. Period.
3.iii.e Rules are subject to change, please consult Tex if unclear about any of these rules.
4. Outrodution
This is the Charter to be followed by all. While made in jest, Tex hopes that you get the jokes, and also hopes you get the serious stuff in there. If unclear, please ask. Any other details can be asked of him.
In other news, I had a rocking good weekend. Thanks to most of the above named people for rocking. Also, I hate spacing, and I should probably do a refresher on how to create lists in HTML. *shrug*
Wat was I doing? Blogging!
Scott, at 11:05 a.m.
I'm sure he was referring to you, Jenn. He only talks about you... hmmm... ALL THE FREKIN TIME!
...your middle name is Bradley? LOL
Don't worry about having several nicknames or having people use them. I have a few myself that I can think of:
Giemar, Devourer of Worlds (sidekick is Ryco)
Grade A (got that one last new-years)
Ice Queen (dubbed by Doug in reference to my feet)
Blue Meanie (also given to me by Doug when I had blue hair)
...and the most used nickname, Margie. Yeah, it's not my real name.
Margatron, at 3:24 p.m.
Tex, post something new. Are you back in residence?
Margatron, at 1:53 p.m.
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