Leave it to Tex
I see you can't get enough of Tex-chan no Omakase! that's good, cause I have lots to write, let's get to it!
Today we have a summary of yesterdays events. and by Yesterday I mean the Two days I didn't sleep! You heard heard me, I didn't sleep. From thursday morning to latefriday/earlysaturday (3:00) I didn't sleep!
And so I'm still struggling with my term paper, and by struggling, I mean DYING. It's not hard, I just can't concentrate on it. I know the materials, I know the subject matter it just wont come out of my head onto the page!!!!!!!!! koe! 0_0
On happier notes:
I'm apperently a sherriff, and new, and in town.
Thanks to Hermabone/everyone at Imprint for that. Glad you liked your poster, Heramb.
Post party was fun, with pool, asshole and booze. and I still managed to stay sober, even after beer and cocktails.
Ready? Go Go! Tex-chan Check!
I went to Ennio's Italian Eatery for lunch! Yum! I had Fettucine alfredo with Chicken. Melon Martini, most of a Pink Lemonade Martini, and a Rye and Ginger. for dessert? Cappucino Gelato!
How was it?
I've had fun over the last few days, it was a good fun searching for Bawls!
Steak sandwiches.
From one geek-gone-public to another, keep given'r. If it doesn't work, get hammered and try again...sometime.
Yeah homie.
Jim, at 10:31 a.m.
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